1 thought on “Reviews

  1. I tend to agree that you should usually buy the best you can afford. however, here are two recommendations from the opposite ends of the cost spectrum, that you may like to consider. I don’t really know how much ironing you get around to, in the blustery isles, but if you ever decide to replace your iron, check this big boy out.

    Tefal Express GV7250G0 Steam Generator, Anti Scale, 4.5 Bar
    Offered by SelectiveGoods
    Price: £151.66

    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Learn to love Ironing, 29 July 2012

    This review is from: Tefal Express GV7250G0 Steam Generator, Anti Scale, 4.5 Bar (Kitchen & Home)
    I bought this elsewhere for £199. After getting the first generation of the Tefal express more than 14 years ago, I never looked back. Yes, it is expensive but you get what you pay for in life. Forget everything you ever knew about ironing and learn to love creases and thick cotton items like never before. Do a pair of jeans from one side, zip through a pile of shirts as if by magic, and have enough water for a week’s ironing in one session. Get an ironing board with a strong base for the generator, fill up the machine, turn it on, and marvel at the featherweight of the iron handset. I had mobile phones that were heavier! It is like ironing with a mini-hovercraft, with jets of steam that defeat any creases. Perfect for anyone who finds a conventional iron heavy and tiring to hold, it really is a try it and buy it item. Yes, it is more than twice the cost of the best conventional set up, and you will need a ‘generator’ ironing board for safety. However, you will never look back, and the year to year running costs probably work out less than 40p a week. Sounds like I must work for Tefal? I can assure you that I don’t but I would happily sell these all day, given the chance. We no longer watch analogue tellies, we cook with microwaves, and drive fuel-injected cars, so why do so many continue to use irons that have not changed since the 1960’s? Try one of these, and if you are not 100% happy, you must be mad!
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    And if you need a good knife, for when you are carving all that lovely meat, how about this?

    Kenwood Electric Carving Knife, White
    Price: £15.49

    4.0 out of 5 stars Good value meat slicer, 26 Jan 2013

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What is this?)
    This review is from: Kenwood Electric Carving Knife, White (Kitchen & Home)
    We bought this for the Christmas meat-slicing season, and we were glad that we had it. Very cheap to buy, yet it feels like a quality item. Easy to use, efficient and basic, I do not see the reasons for the negative reviews, so no doubt they had ‘duff ones’. Nothing this cheap lasts forever, but I am sure that this one will still be carving next year’s turkey.
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    As you can see, these reviews are from the Amazon website, but both items are freely available everywhere. Got some action started on the ‘reviews’ section anyway! Regards, Pete.

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